One of the things I've really enjoyed about photography is that I am spending a lot of time observing the behavior of different animals,mostly birds, while trying to photograph them. For example, in watching the eagles in February, I watched two juveniles lie in wait and attack a third juvenile that had just caught a fish. The action was very far away, but I have a brief series of a chase and then the attack (~100% crop below)
It's also been really interesting to watch the GBH's share nesting responsibilities, one going fishing while the other tends the nest...and then alternating....
So, this morning, I hear this incredible ruckass outside. All these birds are screaming. I walk out and see about 8 or 10 Blue Jays all around one tree and all of them acting very agitated, flying around...down to the ground and back up again. So, of course, I grab my camera and try to get close:
As I approach, I see the following and everything makes sense:
So, the ruckass I heard was a bunch of blue jays trying to protect another wounded jay that was on the ground. They were flying down and pestering the cat to keep it away from the wounded jay. Pretty remarkable to see unfold.
So I shooed the cat away as far as I could, and tried to approach the wounded blue jay but it ran off into some shrubs. I left it there and I haven't heard any more blue jay screams, so hopefully it is working out.