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Thread: Post Your Best HDR Photo

  1. #311
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    In this instance this shot was from one of the attached bedrooms to a larger suite but still very tight. Most of the time I had to create the lighting in photoshop as most hotels just have a few lamps scattered around the room. We did not carry around any extra lighting as the fast paced shooting schedule just did not permit it. I was counting the days until this project ended but now that its done I miss the steady income. I need a new opportunity to come so I can continue to pay the bills. Freelancing full time is really nice when there is work available.

  2. #312
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    Those are some great shots, Freelance!! In your above post you talk about going wide...R..than the 16-35. I too, loved my 16-35ll, until I came across this link...

    I have the Nikon 14-24...and IT is an awesome lens!! I sold my 5Dll, but I use it on my 1D4, especially for HDR work. If you want wider, than this is the lens to get for FF. It even blows the 14 2.8L ll out of the water.

    Anyways, I do like your work.


  3. #313

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    <span style="font-size: medium;"]Here is another landscape from near Aspen. Can you tell it's HDR? I hope not.

    <span style="font-size: medium;"]

  4. #314

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    I also use HDR to balance the light in Architectural / Real Estate shots.... Here's one that had way too much range in the natural light...

  5. #315
    Senior Member William's Avatar
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    "Content Protected by Owner" How does this work Bryan?

  6. #316

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo


  7. #317
    Senior Member William's Avatar
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    Yeah that

  8. #318

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    EF-S 10-22 I love this lens.

  9. #319
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo


    I honestly don't know if I could ever own a Nikon product. I am a loyal Canon customer. From my experience working at a newspaper organization where there were 10 photographers 3 people shot with Nikon gear and a lot of their lenses (I think mostly the telephotos) seemed like they were falling apart. Now I don't know what kind of care these guys where giving their lenses but all these guys where long time profesionals. On the other hand I never heard any complaints from the Canon shooters. I also remember a few times being out on assignments where your standing around waiting for the action to start along with the other 7 photographers from around the state covering the same story so you get to talking. I remember like 3 dif people at different times pointing out major issues on their Nikon lenses where they said they very disappointed with the build quality over time that their nikon lenses had. When I pay the 1,000 to 3000 dollars for a lens I want it to stay together and function like its brand new for my lifetime unless it's damaged somehow by me. With that said I would love to have a superwide lens and have it SUPER sharp like the folks are saying about the 14-24 G lens. In all the reviews that I have read they say the Canon 14mm II lens is crazy sharp all over even wide open and its one of canon's best. The review that you posted compares the nikon 14-25mm to the Canon 16-35II which I will agree is good but not great. The original canon 14mm did not get good reviews but the consensus is now that the series II model is leaps and bounds better. Better then the Nikon 14-25 I doubt it but I would hope very close to it. Anyways, with the way business is going right now I'm not spending the 2500 dollars on the 14mm 2 lens anytime soon. I'll probably buy the 5DIII next and then the 14mm if I can stay in the architectural business that is.

    Until then I'll wait for this site's owner to do the review on on his Nikon 14-24mm lens as I'm sure he will post all the facts we need for a comparison.

  10. #320
    Senior Member
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    Central Kentucky

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    This is a 5 shot HDR, handheld using a 1D3 and the 28-135mm 3.5/5.6 canon lens. This is the lobby of the hotel at the Turnberry Golf Course on the west coast of Scotland. You can see part of the Isle of Craig in the distance (this is where the granite for curling stones comes from)

    [img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Discussions-Components-Files/13/0167.343V2901_5F00_2_5F00_3_5F00_4_5F00_5_5F00_ton emapped.jpg[/img]

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