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Thread: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    Maybe it's just me but I've noticed a lot of pro photographers who post their photos online, their photos are often soft. Is this a prevalent technique among a lot of pros or do they do it intentially to prevent people from stealing their work?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    It's a trend or a fad lately, the soft low contrast low key look. Personally I don't care for it and won't use a photographer who would insist on that kind of look. But that's just me, there are plenty other people who do like it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Rocco's Avatar
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    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    Maybe it
    Adobe, give us courage to edit what photos must be altered, serenity to delete what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.
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  4. #4
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    Could it be the result of the type of resizing done for the web? Show us an example of a couple of pro

  5. #5
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocco
    Like the 85mm f/1.2. Seems to be a very popular portrait lens. You're bound to get that soft look when shooting wide open with that thing.

    Frankly, it's a tough lens to shoot wide open, because the DoF is so thin - as a result, you don't see too many pros shooting with the 85L wide open. Stopping down a little increases DoF, but it only increases the sharpness a little - so at f/1.8 it's almost as soft as it is wide open. You can see that soft look in the 100% crop on the right: [:P]


  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    It depends what you mean by 'soft' and what kind of photo.

    portraits, Soft Focus is a defined style, always been popular. Canon
    even make a dedicated
    Focus portrait lens
    . So do Mamiya for their 645 and nikon too


    If you mean the 'low contrast' and/or 'washed out'
    look, that's a bit different. There's certainly a trend for 'old-style'
    looking photos these days. almost every P&S and the entry-level
    dslrs offer different 'creative' shot modes, most of which reduce
    contrast, maybe sepia-wash it, add a lot of vignetting, soft-focus
    (gaussian blur), add 'high ISO film-look' grain, or all of the above. Or
    you can do the same thing in photoshop.

    Or you can do it
    properly, and buy a Lensbaby or Pinhole if you don't have or don't want
    to use photoshop (like me). Or just go buy a 1950s Box Brownie and get
    the real thing.

    Some people like it, some don't. It's certainly got the elements of 'fad' written on it sometimes.

    Sometimes it works well, one of my favourite bands, Angus & Julia Stone do it for a lot of their tour photos. It certainly complements their musical style.


    other option is possible, but i don't think so, that pros are
    deliberately 'downgrading' quality so noone steals their work. Would you
    buy a new car if you were only allowed to test-drive a go-cart? Or buy a
    new LCD TV if you can only watch a CRT in-store? down-res, sure.
    digital watermarking is very good these days too.


    option is that people with no artistic talent and crappy kit lenses are
    passing themselves off as 'pros' because they have a good-looking
    site is great, as long as you take it with a grain of salt and don't
    get offended easily (my missus called it 'classist').


    @OP: Got any examples of the types of photos you're talking about you can link to?
    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

  7. #7
    Senior Member Raid's Avatar
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    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    Dr-Croubie you raise an interesting point. What would the life expectancy a Photographer be if he shot a women in sharp focus
    Canon EOS 7D, EF-S 10-22, EF 24-105L, EF 50 f1.2L, EF 70-300L, 430EX.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raid

    Dr-Croubie you raise an interesting point. What would the life expectancy a Photographer be if he shot a women in sharp focus….. milliseconds I think.

    LOL, I would fear the worst for him!



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    Here's an example from the great Joe Mcnally..


    Soft, out of focus, blurry in spots. I notice this technique used by a lot of Nikon shooters to be exact while Canon shooters photos are usually more sharper and in focus. Or maybe I'm just crazy.

  10. #10
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Why are a lot of pro photographer photos soft?

    That is a well executed shot, in my opinion. Joe chose a shutter speed that was slow enough to capture the movement of the subject's hair in the wind. He also used a flash camera right which exposed the subjects face so that (for the most part) it looks quite sharp (even though there is some ghosting on his right side.

    I used a similar technique about a month and a half ago when shooting this shot:

    While the movement isn't caused by the wind, but rather by me zooming during the relatively long shutter speed (1/25 sec). I also used a flash camera right, as well as centering his face in the frame in order to maintain sharpness on his face. This was the first time I had tried something like this--and it's not something I will do often, but it was a fun experiment and I like the shot that came out of it.

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