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Thread: Post your best toy photos

  1. #41
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    I will read the link you sent neuro and Bill W that's the same thing that happens when my dogs play with things too. I think if the toys didn't come apart then it wouldn't be as much fun.

  2. #42
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    The Helicon Focus software might be a wise investment if I can land some professional product gigs. its seems like the Lite version would be fine for me. Thanks for pointing this out Neuro.

    This brings me to my next question. Can anyone who has the experience tell me how an extension tube affects the situation with DOF? Would a 20mm extension tube shooting this car have given me anymore DOF or less at f/16? Would it allow me to get more or less distance between me and my subject which has an effect on DOF? Am I using my affect and effect correctly? I still don't grasp when one should be used over the other where I've looked it up online and I still probably don't have it correct. Anyways I was approx 2 ft. away when shooting this car to get it to fill the frame.

    I would like to spring for the kinko extension tubes at a later date but I need to make some more money plus I want to buy a large softbox.

  3. #43
    Senior Member MrGreenBug's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    Quote Originally Posted by freelanceshots

    Here is my toy Camaro that came out better then I expected. I love my macro lens.

    [View:http://community.the-digital-picture...neric/utility/ toy camaro by freelanceshots, on Flickr:550:0]

    Vroooom, vroooom! That's a great shot! I love the details on the engine! Sorry, I can't be of any help regarding the extension tubes DOF as I'm still learning to use my set and it's all manual! *geesh*

    Then again, I really love the Camaro shot! Vrooooooooooooooooooom!


    AnGelo Chiu (MrGreenBug in Flickr), Blog:

  4. #44
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    here's another one that I did. f/20 this time and only one exposure.

    [View:http://community.the-digital-picture...neric/utility/ drag coup by freelanceshots, on Flickr:550:0]

  5. #45
    Senior Member William's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    What are you using for a set? Do you have any zoomed out pics?

  6. #46
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    Foam core board from the crafts store. Two alienbee strobes one to left up high with 60 inch umbrella light reflected straight down. Second alienbee to the right and more in front aiming the reflected light out of the other 60 inch umbrella down onto the subject. I have different foam core boards bought at different times where they have different surfaces like shinny and then the other dull and textured. Collect a whole bunch of different colors and then your set for small scale backgrounds.

  7. #47
    Junior Member
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    Here is my Big Daddy from the game Bioshock! I thought I would share him with everyone.

  8. #48
    Junior Member
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    I love your Star Wars Lego!!

  9. #49
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post your best toy photos

    I got these 2 guys when having dinner with friends as decoration on a dessert of some kind.

    got them home, planted them in an orchid, then took a photo of them on Christmas Day when mucking about with my lensbaby...


    7D, Lensbaby Muse + Double Glass (I think), ISO800, f/noidea, 1/60s

    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

  10. #50
    Senior Member William's Avatar
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Post your best toy photos

    When do you expect your first crop? Oh sorry, you said orchid not orchard [].

    Nice to see some lensbaby shots!

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