Looks like the second from last is the best, it has the most dietail and much finer grained noise compared to DPP. The one with CS5 is very close andbut I wouldstill give a slight edge to DxO, but it's very good also.
Here is a situation I routinely come across in birding,soft lighting but high ISO.
ISO 3200 pushed one stop, 100% crop. I think the difference is clear, but I won't tell just yet! Try to guess which is DPP and DxO.
In higher contrast scenes with deeper shadows were the noise can be even worse the difference can be even more, but I choose this expample because it's closer to what I or other people would shoot in real life. Butif youhave an important image it's nice to have better noise reduction. I have a light hand in noise reduction and this expample could probably NR a little more if you wanted.