BlueJay from the backyard setup
300m 2.8L + 1.4TC
ISO 1000
580 EXII + better beamer ETTL - 2 2/3 stops
BlueJay from the backyard setup
300m 2.8L + 1.4TC
ISO 1000
580 EXII + better beamer ETTL - 2 2/3 stops
Joel, That's a great shot, cool bird etc---As usual---Beautiful
I told my wife----it's all your fault---I just ordered my new blind, much like yours---It is your fault[]. We are approaching Fall once more and I am hoping to put the blind to work in the Bosque Del Apache this year---I am still looking for my bobcat or mountain lion[:S]---wanna join me?
Well, a mountain lion sometimes shows up around here once in a while. But it
John, You're probably correct---Should I survive without a helicopter ride to the ER, It would be worth it, just one or two snaps of a big cat in the wild---wow, just wow. Actually, even with baiting, preditor calls etc, your odds of getting a big kitty are pretty remote---They just seem to be smarter than human photogs. Even my hunter friends have to use dogs to even think about getting close to a big cat. I guess it's kind of like bungy jumping or parachuting, its all good until the rope breaks. Guess I'll have to take a calculated risk of the rope breaking.
Wish me luck
P.S. I'll bring an extra pair of underwear just in case a cat actually shows up.
Two opposite shots...Both 7D, 100-400L @ 400 mm, 1/640, f/5.6, ISO 200
Kayaker, I really like the single bird on the beach it almost looks B&W, is it a Sanderling?
I am still seeing bunches of hummingbirds, had about 10 around the feeder this evening so I put up a quick perch and shot this from the kitchen window with just the on camera 580EXII and no remote flashes. 1D3, 300mm 2.8L, ISO 1250, 1/125 sec, f/6.3
Thanks Joel. I am not sure what type of bird that is, but it does look like a sanderling.
I love the HB shot. The color coming off the throat is excellent.
A few more from last week:
Osprey, Santee Cooper Reservoir South Carolina, May 2011
300 2.8L + 1.4TC Hand held
ISO 800
"Look out Ned, it's coming right for us!"
An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
Gear Photos
Nice action shot, where was this?