I vote for the 5D2. I'm not sure how the original 5D performs, but I'm guessing you might not like the menu layout and other things that you've gotten used to on the 7D. Simply because I don't know the original 5D, it doesn't get my vote. Same for the 1D2 actually :P
Quote Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
Option 3.... WAIT and don't do a damn thing 'til the elusive 5DMkIII comes out and either buy it, or a 5DMkII as the price will probably drop at that point.... any suggestions?
Option 3 is not a good option in my opinion. I get the feeling that you're looking into a full frame camera and use it "professional". In other words, you want to make some money with it. For now, you don't even know when and if a 5D3 will be announced. And also, in the case it will be announced, how long it will take before you can get your hands on one. (thinking about the delays in the new tele-lenses series )
If you had been certain that the wait was 1 or maybe 2 months, option 3 would be reasonable to me. But at this point, you're business "suffers" and that might cost you a lot more over time.

Basically said, the 5D2 is an amazing camera now and I'm pretty sure it can be competitive for quite a while still. Even if a new camera will be announced.

Good luck,