Again, I spent the better part of the day working with FoCal and my two long lenses (500 and 100-400) with no success.

Two major issues:

1. Although the software easily and quickly recognizes the smaller target, I couldn't get the software to recognize/validate the larger target provided for use with longer lenses (above 300mm). Tried several reprints, followed the instructions, setup in daylight, etc--but still no luck

2. When set up on the smaller target, the software validates it just fine, but I consistantly rec'd the "inconsistant results" error which is why I thought the larger target might do the trick. I tried my distance to target at 12, 20 and 27 meters but was still unable to get any kind of consistancy with the test. When in live view mode, the focus did slightly drift in and out---like heat waves, but I understand this is normal with long lenses. Oh, and the outside temp was 34 degrees F-- I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not, but thought I would mention it. I also was shooting from my dining room out my back door and my house sits on a slab so no vibration there.

3. I am still happy with the software (at least for the short lenses) and am hoping to get a reply back from Reikan on this issue. If anyone has any suggestions please post them. At present, I am out of ideas.