Quote Originally Posted by iso79 View Post
Thanks guys. Yeah I forgot to mention that I shoot with a 5D Mark II. Landscape wise I plan on shooting cityscapes, architecture especially shrines and temples, and the cherry blossoms if they show up when I'm there near the end of March. The people shots are going to be more candid street style.
With the 5D II I would leave the 17-40mm at home, 24mm I find to usually be wide enough. The 35mm L should even be wide enough, I would take it and use the 35mm L for the temple shots and such. Possibly the 24-70mm and pick either the 135mm or 85mm for a longer lens if I wanted to be creative.

My choice would probably be the 135mm over the 85mm for the longer reach and weight. Steve’s travel kit of the 35mm and 70-300mm is similar to mine. I usually have either the 35mm or 24mm paired with the 70-200mm. I find I do not miss the wider zoom range.

If I had your lenses I would probably pack it in this order:
1. 35mm L
2. 135mm L
3. 24-70mm L
4. 85mm L