For $1,100, you can *really* expand the possibilities:
  • $90 50mm f/1.8
  • $550 Canon 70-300 IS
  • $270 430EX II Flash

The 50mm f/1.8 will let you experiment with thin DOF, and, at f/2.8 give you images that are as sharp as a tack.

The 55-250 is an inexpensive telephoto with good I.S. and respectable image quality. If telephoto is really important, you might consider the 70-300 IS ($600) or 70-200 IS ($1150) instead.

The flash will really expand the possibilities. Built-in flash cannot be moved and angled like the 430 allows for bouncing flash.

I think the 28-135 is a poor choice (high price, low quality, small range).