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Thread: Some ideas

  1. #1
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Some ideas

    I got this idea that I'm working which originally was thought of by one of the members here and I think there is potential with the idea. It's meant to be silly but with an underlying serious thought. I'm looking at the idea because its different, creative and bold. I just have to present it right so it doesn't get weird. Here is what I've worked up so far after four versions with the help of member William. Image is pretty much done but I may not have the wording as good as it can be. Idea that I'm going for deals with the make believe hiring of a highend professional hitman. You'd want someone with skill and who abides by the hitman code of professionalism sort of like James Bond to an extent. My business name has been freelanceshots for seven or eight years so this kind of fits into the name. If anyone can contribute a better massage or one liner then I'm open to hearing it. Its going to be my opening page on my website and I'm hoping it attracts new attention.

    What I've done before:

    1. Just freelanceshots commercial photography logo
    2. freelance logo with bullet graphics
    2. Professional results, no questions asked
    3. When a true professional is needed
    4. When professionalism and precision count

    I'm thinking the simpler the better at least for the opening page.

    Last edited by freelanceshots; 02-04-2012 at 03:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia
    Aren't you missing an "e"?
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by freelanceshots View Post
    I'm thinking the simpler the better at least for the opening page.
    Great stuff! I like it. I personally love one-liners, but I do think it would make this one silly and funny rather than serious. And I guess your aim to attract potential customers is more on the serious side.

    Since it's "Image Critique" section I would like to point out some things.
    You probably have seen it already, but you're missing an "e" in freelanceshots.
    I personally would burn out the background completely. It distracts a little. It distracted me at first down your hand, but then I saw it was the entire background. It also makes it look quite noisy on the left side of your face.

    Other than that, I think it looks very good.

  4. #4
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Ok freelance, I deleted the other post (and the request for the deletion). You're good to go on this one.

  5. #5
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    When you need us to, "Take the Shot".

    A smoking camera lens or a speeding lens instead of a bullet, to tie it more to photography??
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  6. #6
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    I am missing an E, that needs to be fixed.

    That is the shot as I used strobes with very selective lighting where everything else turned black/no light. The noise I think you are talking about is the texture of my skin unless I've got that wrong. Very low noise levels in this image. I don't really understand the suggestion to completely burn out the background. Sheiky are you meaning the evidence of my shirt and my hand? If I remove evidence of the shirt then it looks like my head is foating.

    I got to maybe try and do something different then the bullet underneath freelanceshots. Is the vote to get rid of that? don't know how I would incorporate a speeding lens or smoking camera into the scene. I'll have to go back to the drawing board. My drawing skills are not at a super high level in photoshop.
    Last edited by freelanceshots; 01-23-2012 at 10:35 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Looks a little deadly to me.

    How about this phrase worked in some how "camera for hire" instead of "gun for hire"

    Professionalism works ....but Precision? Do we want to hire precise photographers?

    #2 and #3 are better phrases

  8. #8
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Forgive me, but I have to say I just don't think this sends the right message, unless your primary intended clientele is law enforcement or the military, in which case, it probably doesn't send the right message either, since they'd be used to seeing guns and gun ads and not really associate you with photography.

    Maybe a camera on a pistol grip, with smoke added for effect, something like that. Something that says, "I will get the shot" as opposed to, "I will shoot you in the head."

    Let me hypothesize a scenario. I need a photographer for our corporate event, and a Google search turns you up as a local photog. I click the link, and see this image. What do I think? Frankly, I don't even notice the tagline, just the barrel pointed at me. If I think about it a little more, I start to wonder if you'll show up packing a .45 in addition to your lenses. Then I imagine presenting my top three choices to my boss...and I'd be uncomfortable presenting this as one of my choices.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the image a lot - it's creative and punchy. You want to create an impression, and this image does that. But while, "I can blow your head off your shoulders" certainly creates an impression, it's not the sort of impression that would lead me to hire you. Buy a Kevlar jacket, maybe, but not hire you.

    I suppose in fairness, attitudes towards guns in Little Rock are likely a bit different from those here in Boston or my native California. While I personally don't own a gun, I've hunted, and I eat what I shoot. I've spent time in places where gun racks were the norm. But even there, guns generally aren't brought into the office or conference room where hiring and spending decisions are made.

    Sorry for the bluntness, but I admire your photography and would not want your reputation damaged.

  9. #9
    Senior Member thekingb's Avatar
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    While the image is cool, I agree with Neuro. Even if gun aficionados who need to hire a photographer flock to you, I'd worry about who you're turning off. I wouldn't hire the person behind that image, which is too bad because you're a great photographer. Like Neuro said, if you're going to play on the dual meaning of "shoot," I'd make actual camera gear appear in a "gun like" state rather than use a gun.

  10. #10
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    Now guys, just because freelance is from my neighboring state of Arkansas, contrary to popular opinion not all of us from this part of the country drive pick up trucks and have gun racks in the windows. Some of us do drive cars and we just leave our guns laying in the back seat. Not all of us live in mobil homes, some of us have actually taken the wheels off.

    Seriously though, our former Arkansas President gave us the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban. The views on firearms here are not what you would think.

    I thought freelance's ad had more of an Eastern flavor. Perhaps if he were doing a "Saprano" type wedding it might be a good calling card.

    John does have a point though, I found it a bit intense as well and I am not even from California.

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