Tell you what I did and what made me happy. I took my 4 lenses, 2 zooms and 2 primes and sold 3 of them. I kept the 70-200 f/4L because it is a keeper. I shoot sunny sports and on a crop the 320 is fantastic. I bought a 10-22EFS (essentially a 16-35) and splurged for a 24-70 2.8 L. I no longer need or miss my 35 and 50 prime. (Not to mention my Siggy 17-70-lol) It's my little version of a Holy Trinity and 2 out of 3 of those work on my Elan 7. I feel pretty good about knowing which lenses to take with my instead of before when I usually lugged too much or too little. Plus it's all sharper now! So, from landscape/architecture to events to street to sports both indoor and out, I am covered. Maybe it's just my happy lens rambling but maybe I threw out an idea , who knows.