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Thread: CPS Membership Question

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Kenosha, WI

    CPS Membership Question

    I would like to get opinions on if I qualify for CPS membership ...I am looking at the Gold version for $100 annually. I have the gear to meet the points required. I'm am not sure on the other requirement ..." Membership is available to individuals (self-employed or employed with a professional imaging company) who play a direct role in the creation of moving or still images on a full-time basis".

    I by no means mean to offend, minimize or insult the professional photographers on this site and I know I do not fall within your skill of expertise in the field of photography. I am just wondering if I would qualify for this membership offered by Canon to reap some of the benefits from it. Heaven knows, I have spent enough on their products in the past two years!!

    I do have a website set-up to sell my photos and since I have no other employment at the moment and I did sell something on my site last week ...even if it was to my daughter ...LOL, does that qualify me enough for the membership????

    I emailed Canon this morning regarding the problem I am having with my 580ex II speedlight and am waiting on a response. I am just wondering if it would be beneficial for me to have this membership before they do any repairs. The repair could be done at a discount price and then I would still be able to get the other benefits of service.

    If I could and did sign-up for the membership, does it take effect immediately? Now that they know about the existing problem with the flash, would it still be covered if I sign-up after they knew the problem existed?



  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Planet Earth
    IMO it is between you and Canon, not you and the professional photography community.
    If you feel you meet the requirements go for it. If you just want to say you meet the requirements go for it. Canon isn’t going to check.

    They require you list your equipment with them to qualify, if you have bought enough equipment to qualify I doubt they care.

    But if you read the actual description I think you could make the case you meet the requirement, you have been a self employed photographer that has sold pictures, albeit not enough to probably pay the rent consistently. But then they didn’t specify that you had to be self employed and make a certain amount of money.

    I would go for it if I were you. If they are still sending the lens book it is really cool, and you get a few free cleanings for your camera and lenses.

    Edit: Yes it starts immediatly, not sure how fast it would get in their system though. I doubt they would notice or care you just signed up for CPS if you have a repair.
    Last edited by HDNitehawk; 03-14-2012 at 02:53 PM.

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