+1 on the bluebird shot, Joel!
Sandhill Crane by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
No actually this one was taken at a marshy area in Illinois State Beach Park where I take my deer shots. He was the only one there and to be honest, what I saw there was sad. We had so little snow this winter and very little rain that the river area where I normally take shots of ducks, turtles, etc. was completely dried up! No wildlife in site
Bit of of dull day, and heavily cropped as it was from quite a distance
And also my first pic post
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I tried a different approach today with the camera on a tripod at the deck door and firing with a wireless shutter trigger. The end result is I was able to get closer. Both with 60D, 135L, and 1.4 ex II TC.
2012_05_26_5437_upd by dthrog00, on Flickr
2012_05_26_5435_upd by dthrog00, on Flickr
See my photos:
Truly beautiful shots, David!
Quite the exciting afternoon in my backyard today! My daughter & I had the three dogs in the yard when the 3 baby robins decided to take a much too early leap out of their nest! My cocker got ahold of one of them but we were able to free it unharmed. After we got the dogs back in the house, we tried for 2 hours to figure out what to do about these three little guys while mother & father were frantic nearby! I think every bird in the neighborhood was on the telephone line about us watching the events!
They could only fly for a few minutes about 3 feet above the ground. We tried to get them in a box but that didn't work. Eventually one took off down the driveway, one made it into the neighbors yard and the last one ...we are still not sure where he went!
Baby Robin by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
Best thing to do would be to leave them and let nature take its course, they will eventually learn to fly, even if they are stuck on the ground for a day or two.
Nice picture by the way
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