I think he was referring to the curves you see in, for example DPP, under the RGB folder. You can adjust those Reds Greens and Blues singularly or you can do it all together. The difference is that, when you do it singurarly, for say green, you will see the whole picture get a lot more or less -it depends on how you modify it- green and you will have to change che blues and reds too, in order to get the balance you want. If you change them all together RGB, you change the overall brightness and contrast of the image. Also, if you shoot RAW, under the RAW folder in DPP you will see a little historgram alike the one you had in your Live View, and you can modify it in order to get a better exposed picture.

On the "how" topic, I sugget you just trial&error...I think it's the best way to learn by yourself =)

hope this helps,
