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Thread: Virus trying to attach to my computer when I am on TDP

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Does anyone have any insight as to why it pops up on some PC's and not others? Is it one anti-virus software stopping it better than another from happening? Or is it just so spontaneous that it can happen to anyone with a PC at anytime or not at all? Just curious as to what makes it "tick" so to speak.

  2. #22
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    Honestly, I think your computer still has somebody with their foot in the security door letting other things in. Viruses/malware or whatever you want to call them are built to infect specific targets with specific hardware and software. Some are easier to remove than others and some AntiVirus software work better at removing problems while others do better at keeping things at bay. Some just hog computer resources, keeping you from ever getting online thus keeping you safe from threats
    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke View Post
    Honestly, I think your computer still has somebody with their foot in the security door letting other things in. Viruses/malware or whatever you want to call them are built to infect specific targets with specific hardware and software. Some are easier to remove than others and some AntiVirus software work better at removing problems while others do better at keeping things at bay. Some just hog computer resources, keeping you from ever getting online thus keeping you safe from threats
    I'm not saying that isn't possible but I've never had a virus detected with anything that I have used to scan the computer (including crap cleaner and a few others) and the only thing that was hogging my resources that I could see was the anti-virus software that I was using. Since I switched, the speed has greatly improved.

  4. #24
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    I once had some malware on my comp. and the only thing that would find it and remove it was Malwarebytes.

  5. #25
    Senior Member nvitalephotography's Avatar
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    I dont believe this is a real virus, Ive had viruses and malware on computers before and they were different to this. I had this pop up on my brand new work computer so I know the computer is clean. It only showed up the once and went away when I closed the window and hasnt popped up again. Its strange but I dont think its actually a virus or malware on our computers

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk View Post
    But actually the "best way" to end this problem is when money permits, go buy a Mac .
    Our company uses PCs. A few Mac users around, but the IT guy told us that they'd eventually "root them out."

    But, I think the real reason Macs aren't targeted, is because no one cares, since there are so few of them around.

  7. #27
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    I use the latest version of Firefox with several free add-ons: Ad-Blocker Plus (ABP), No Script, and Ghostery. ABP and Ghostery are set-and-forget. No Script takes a bit of getting use to and has a minor learning curve. But the 3 together pretty much prevent any ads from showing at all (sorry, Bryan) which speeds up browsing immensely. I also have no fear of any site as No Script will allow, script to run without my giving it explicit permission. I've ditched the annoying, CPU hogging McAfee anti-virus in favor of Microsoft's Security Essentials (free) and Windows Defender, which come with Windows 7. Even if you use a Mac, Firefox and the add-ons work wonders. I allow the scripts on TDP to run, but I see no ads, so I've never seen the issue discussed in this thread. The malware is installed on your machine when you click on the offending ad. If you never see the ad to begin with, you have no worries. As a minimum, use Firefox and Ad-Blocker Plus. You'll instantly be surfing safer and faster.
    Mark - Flickr

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by shutterdown View Post
    Our company uses PCs. A few Mac users around, but the IT guy told us that they'd eventually "root them out."

    But, I think the real reason Macs aren't targeted, is because no one cares, since there are so few of them around.
    It should be obvious the IT guys don't want you to use Mac's. As long as you stay with PC's they have job security.

  9. #29
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    It just popped up on my screen again when I clicked on the "News" tab.

  10. #30
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    Forgot to mention that my daughter said it is the same thing that popped up on her computer awhile back and she had to do a complete restore to factory settings because she didn't know it was a fake and did what it says. It does look exactly like Microsoft Security Essentials screen behind the little box that wants you to click "ok".

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