Well....it was actually a boo-boo....I failed to check my settings beforehand and I had left the flash set on manual for the HB's. I shot a couple frames of the Cardinal without flash and it (the histogram) looked a little underexposed so I reached up and flipped it on and took a few more frames while it was posing nicely.
After the bird left I looked at the settings and it was on manual 1/32, it worked pretty well though
Hey Bob, I'm really loving the flowers, background and colors on those!
Joel, another great shot and I'm loving the mohawk!
A pair of Mourning Doves taken this morning
ISO 1600
No flash
Downy Woodpecker from my backyard setup, rainy morning today so slower shutter speed and high ISO needed.
ISO 1600
Nice shots Joel, Looks like you have all kinds of youngsters in your back yard.
Here are some more hummers from this morning. I was trying to change it up a bit, so I combined natural and printed background and really stretched the imagination with the flowers----the flowers are almost all gone around here.
Both shots: 7D, 500mm, 1/250th, ISO 200, F16, 4 flashes @1/32nd power.
I didn't really care for this one, but this is the only bird that would come close to this flower:
And one with out flowers:
P.S. I hit my 100. You can see the entire collection here: http://rwilliamsimaging.com/hummingbirds
Thanks for looking