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Thread: Cost of an event photographer???

  1. #1
    Senior Member thekingb's Avatar
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    Milwaukee, WI

    Cost of an event photographer???

    Hi everyone,

    The school I run is hosting a big alumni reunion. Our in-house photographer/digital media guy will be out of town, so I need to hire an event photographer to capture 2 hours at the bar in the evening and 2 hours at the brunch the next morning. The wife of one of my employees is a graphic designer and serious amateur photographer (and used to work for me too), and I want to hire her for the work. Her work is good, but she's not an experienced pro. Actually, it would be like hiring me for the job!!

    What's a fair rate to pay her? Is $400 for the 4 hours of photography plus PP fair? She wants $600, which strikes me as steep for an amateur.

    Thanks for your insight,

  2. #2
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thekingb View Post
    Hi everyone,

    The school I run is hosting a big alumni reunion. Our in-house photographer/digital media guy will be out of town, so I need to hire an event photographer to capture 2 hours at the bar in the evening and 2 hours at the brunch the next morning. The wife of one of my employees is a graphic designer and serious amateur photographer (and used to work for me too), and I want to hire her for the work. Her work is good, but she's not an experienced pro. Actually, it would be like hiring me for the job!!

    What's a fair rate to pay her? Is $400 for the 4 hours of photography plus PP fair? She wants $600, which strikes me as steep for an amateur.

    Thanks for your insight,
    Much of it depends on your area and what similar services cost for your area. I am a part time pro so since I do not support my family on my business I keep my prices very low. It pays for my addiction, "L" disease.
    My wedding day only which works out to about 4 hours is $475.
    Victoria, Tx is a very rural area so higher prices may run many of my customers to use uncle Joe with the DSLR.

  3. #3
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Two hours of photography in a bar and then 2 hours at brunch. Hmm...

    Brunch is not much of a concern, but getting good shots in a dimly lit bar (especially at night) is tough even for the best photographers. My concern isn't as much about the price per hour but the photography for the price.

    If you think she's more than capable of doing a good job, split the difference with her--offer her $500 and stand firm. If you have your doubts, shop around and see who else you can get.

  4. #4
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    The only thing is if she does take the lower rate and then blows you away with quality shots, I'd give her the extra $100.
    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  5. #5
    Senior Member thekingb's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the input. It doesn't seem like $400 or $600 shocks anyone yet (given that this is a relatively large market here in Milwaukee), so I guess we are in the ballpark. I think I'll go with $500.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    If I had a FF that handled the noise better than my 7d and still had my 35L, I wouldn't hesitate to do this for $500 for you and I am an hour away!! IMO, $600 seems really steep.

  7. #7
    Senior Member thekingb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725 View Post
    If I had a FF that handled the noise better than my 7d and still had my 35L, I wouldn't hesitate to do this for $500 for you and I am an hour away!! IMO, $600 seems really steep.
    Denise - if my employee who is planning the whole reunion didn't have a wife/photographer who wants to do this, I absolutely would have asked you to do this! I was sort of hoping she wouldn't want to do it.

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