Lately there has been a lot of talk on the forums about giving good C&C as well as how just saying "nice picture" adds little value. I 100% agree, however there is little that I don't like about this set. Here's what I like:

#1: 9 people and they all look good! That's no easy feat, especially with 3 youngish ones. I also like the pose. There is little dead space and you obviously cared for hand positions which actually makes a big difference in the final product. People never know what to do with their hands so it's good to tell them.

#2 Again, like the pose and the positioning of the hands.

#3 Love the perspective. It makes faces look thinner and generally people look better when they are looking up.

#4 I like the tight comp and how you used the rule of 1/3s for eye placement

#5 Nice Head & Shoulders. Like the head tilt and the color pop of orange vs. the blue denim in the foreground.

#6 Again, nice posing as well as getting 7 children to all look good! I like how the side light creates defining highlights on their faces.

#7 I like how you found some open shade. The light is soft and natural looking. This family even has cooperative dogs :-)


What did you do for light? Did you use 100% available? Did you use available for key and flash for fill? Did you use available for fill and flash for key? What was your technique? Basic adjustments? PS retouching? How much time spent per image?