Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters View Post
To me, the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM II makes the most sense. It's an excellent general purpose zoom - and that seems to be where your current kit is lacking.
Quote Originally Posted by iND View Post
I agree with Sean
You are lacking the 24-78 2.8 (might be able to get a good price on the older model).
This is my primary wedding lens. I actually have the original and the II.
Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72 View Post
All of that said, I agree with the others, as long as you are typically shooting in the general purpose range, that is where I would upgrade. I initially balked at the cost of the 24-70 II, but after hearing/reading such good things about it and adding up the cost of 2-3 primes to cover the same range, it seems worth the cost.
Well so far the consensus is pretty much the way I have been leaning. The biggest gap in my lineup is a general purpose lens. I'd get the most out of the 24-70mm f/2.8 II. Then with a solid foundation I can decide if I want to upgrade my 70-200 or get some more primes.

Thanks for the input everyone!