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Thread: 135mm anyone? ?

  1. #11
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia
    Too many choices, now I'm thinking about saving for this ever..some say. 55mm forever.
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    East Central Illinois
    Those test images were shot on a Nikon D800E, which leaves plenty pixels for cropping. Nonetheless, very impressive IQ and an eye popping price to match.
    Mark - Flickr

  3. #13
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    New Hampshire, USA
    Interesting that they are comparing it to MF. Opens the door to the question of is the sensor or the lens the limiting factor for IQ on the current crop of DSLRs. This would imply the lens is, at least at f/1.4 and on a D800E. My guess is that the MF reference is more of a ruse. Anyway, looks like an amazing lens. Photography...always leaving me wanting more.....

  4. #14
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    The EF 135mm f/2 L has been on my buy list for a couple of years now. However, every time I get the money saved up to buy it, I end up buying something else.

    Sigma 35mm f/1.4, Canon EF 85mm f/1.2 II, Canon 5D Mark III...

    One thing that keeps me from picking up the 135L is that it doesn't replace anything in my camera bag - and I have no spare room in the bag. If I were to pick up the 135L and take it on a shoot, I'd have to leave something else at home.

    Dilemmas, dilemmas...


  5. #15
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters View Post
    The EF 135mm f/2 L has been on my buy list for a couple of years now. However, every time I get the money saved up to buy it, I end up buying something else.

    Sigma 35mm f/1.4, Canon EF 85mm f/1.2 II, Canon 5D Mark III...

    One thing that keeps me from picking up the 135L is that it doesn't replace anything in my camera bag - and I have no spare room in the bag. If I were to pick up the 135L and take it on a shoot, I'd have to leave something else at home.

    Dilemmas, dilemmas...

    Sounds like you need a bigger camera bag

  6. #16
    Senior Member Dave Throgmartin's Avatar
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    If you want a 50 and want Zeiss rendering pick up the Makro Planar and call it good! I'm a Planar user and really like it, but for most the MP is likely the better choice.


  7. #17
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia
    Don't think I could go that far for a 50, but it all depends on what other releases come our way. There might be a D800E beater just around the corner, well announcement just around the corner.

    I'm just about ready to go with the 135mm, I think I would get a lot of use out of that lens. The Zeiss is appealing but I think it is more of a tripod lens and not for shooting on the run.
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

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