Looks like white seamless but a very wide one. The more I look at it, that could be a white vinyl since they are having cake. Looks like the light difference from the key to background isn't that much. Looking at the catchlight it may just be the one light but in a huge soft box. I would guess it is just plain white.
If that is just white then the coloring if it must be from the type of lighting use they used. I plan to do something similar for my daughter when she turns one and am trying to decide if I should go with paper or white vinyl. The vinyl seems like a waste of money unless I can get it cheaper than a regular vinyl print.
I see on B&H that they have super white and bone white. I'm wondering if Bone white would be better as I don't want the background to be completely blown out.
Last edited by Photog82; 11-11-2013 at 03:06 AM.
A good tip that I do in my studio - buy some flooring and flip it over and paint it white. Been doing this for year and the results are great. I spot clean during the season and repaint before a new season.
Owner of Deevers Photography. If you have some time, visit my website at deeversphoto.com.