Quote Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
With a battery grip in place I can *almost* understand that.
If you've picked these up with your eyes closed, there's a distinct feel difference in my opinion. If you grab it by the normal grip, your pinky probably feels a more distinct bump of the battery bay on a 7D or the noticeable separation between body and grip, your hand feels a subtle compressibility to the plastic underneath the grippy material, the thumbstick has a notably different surface (recessed with a notched ring on 7D, raised/gridded on 1Dx), and then there's the weight. If you grab it by the vertical grip, the 7D is rather unergonomic IMHO, there's no second thumbstick, and my fingers are always tempted to verify that the tripod screw is tightened.

If by chance you have a Really Right Stuff L-bracket on it, the 7D has a square Arca-Swiss base (which I hate) that gives it a weeble-wobble feel on a countertop, while the 1Dx has a long rectangular AS base that I find a lot more stable.

That said, sorry you bumped into this problem.