Quote Originally Posted by Joe Mayer View Post
I only have 5D3s so I don't have to worry about that. Sorry, trying to lighten the mood. I've actually seen threads out there on the web of people who have manipulated their EF-S lenses in order to mount them on their EF bodies. I'm not sure why you'd want to other than for the chance to say you did. The results are peculiar of course.
It was done by some 1D-series owners. Since the 1D series used APS-H sensors with a 1.3x crop factor, the ultrawide zooms for FF (16-35, 17-40) didn't give wider than 20mm on those bodies. Mounting a modified EF-S 10-22mm on a 1D body was usable from 12-13mm onward, giving a 16mm FF-equivalent FoV.