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Thread: Are you using in camera picture styles

  1. #1

    Are you using in camera picture styles

    Hello there,

    Are you using the in-camera picture styles: Portrait, Standard, Landscape, etc. Or are you setting custom ones. If you are what are you customizing too? It seems like my picture contrast and sharpness aren't up to par anymore using these settings.



  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    Nope, I don't use picture styles, but I shoot RAW anyway.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    I shoot JPEG mostly because I'm lazy. I actually customize my settings to low down the sharpness to 1 or 2, rise the saturation to 4 and leave this setting for everything. I do see my pictures to be a little bit soft (I use a 50D by the way), but I can always sharpen it up in PS afterwards when needed. If I get overly sharp images it's not convenient to bring the sharpness down anymore. Plus, I disabled everything else in camera except for leaving noise reduction to low.

    it's personal taste to adjust your in camera styles, there isn't a right or wrong. But generally you might want to leave the image right out of the camera as original as possible so you leave yourself lots of space for post processing, that's why lots of people shoot RAW.

    That's my 0.2

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    I use them for video, but other than that I just shoot raw.

  5. #5
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    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    I shoot raw, and then use faithful, almost all of the time, and adjust from that. Sometimes I use landscape, i think, if I like the effect....

  6. #6
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    On my 5D I use the standard. I find with custom white balance I get very good color. I shoot .jpg and strive to get the color and exposure perfect to minimize post processing. I do not have the time for a lot of post processing.


  7. #7

    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    Thanks for the info. I usually have to shoot jpeg because my biggest client needs a quick turnaround on the images and they can only except jpeg. I would have to convert every pic to jpeg and its more time than I have. Still, I guess I should get back in the practice of shooting RAW outside of that. I haven't done it in a couple of years.

    Thanks again everyone.


  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    I like to play with the picture styles when shooting portrait work. I like a lot of sharpness and saturation, so I end up creatingcustom styles and playing with then during a shoot. This is especially true, if there is something particularly colorful in my composition.

    For weddings and corporate work, everything gets shot RAW. For sports that require a quick turn around to the paper, I likethe "standard" style straight tojpg.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    Quote Originally Posted by Dallasphotog

    For sports that require a quick turn around to the paper, I likethe "standard" style straight tojpg.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Overall, in terms of the look of it, I like the 'standard' style the best. Adds an overall pop to saturation and contrast.

    In fact, when I start with 'Faithful' and then play with the controls in DPP, what I end up with is often not so far off from what the 'standard' rendering would have provided. However, I don't do standard because the effects are generic, and as such, don't carefully watch what they're doing to the content, and the color channelsare often blown out before it's out of the RAW section. I think it makes really good sense for the application you're using it, and I don't at all mean for my comments to be critical, because I think what you're doing makes a lot of sense.

    I just like talking about it []

  10. #10

    Re: Are you using in camera picture styles

    Hey Colin. I'm really appreciative of everything you have to say. Thanks. These forums have been the most useful tool to emerge in the last year for me. Aside from a few books and bit conversations with other camera junkies I'm completely self taught. I'm always grateful to get other photographers opinions and I notice most often that you take the time to help. Thanks again. --Victor

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