Now that I have LR updated I just finished playing with some ISO 3200 evening pics I took to compare the 7D II to the 1D IV.

What I am seeing is that the RAW 7D II has quit a bit of head room, but after working the picture over it is coming out very close to the JPG's right out of the camera.

I can improve the noise but not much at all over the JPG, if you push it much above JPG's it is to destructive to sharpness.
The 1D IV is a bit better with noise but not by enough of a margin to be a factor in choosing one body over the other.

My opinion of the 7D II right now is that it is the best Digital Novice camera that Canon has made to date.

I am seeing things that are making me think the x1.6 resolution crop theory is a real thing. More playing required.