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Thread: 7D II Reviews and Comments from those who now own it

  1. #31
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk View Post
    I am seeing things that are making me think the x1.6 resolution crop theory is a real thing. More playing required.
    This is, potentially, very exciting!!

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk View Post
    It appears to me that much of the 7d II's hyped IQ improvements are from the in camera JPG processing.
    Not really a bad thing, as so many, from Pros to amateurs, shoot jpg. There is some hope for sensor improvements. The QE of this sensor is very high and I have seen postulate that this is the first step to Canon improving their sensors.

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk View Post
    the RAW file itself is bland and noisy and can take quite a bit of adjustment to get to that point.
    This is very depressing.....

    You are just playing with us at this point

    Ok more seriously...thanks for the updates. You are hitting on exactly what I am interested in hearing. Both from a general monitoring of Canon improving their technological advancement standpoint and the one thing that could possibly tempt me to buy a 7DII.

    On the crop factor. I've seen it estimated that the "true" reach advantage of the 7D was only ~1.19x compared to the 5DIII based upon a comparison if different resolution results of different reviews. Which is a far cry from 1.6x. This generally is consistent with the tests I ran where I saw a bit better resolution (not necessarily IQ) in reach limited situations from the 7D vs 5DIII, but nothing like I would have expected. It seems that the 70D may have closed that gap a bit, but, if the 7DII is getting closer to 1.6x (even 1.4x) that would really be something, and might tempt me.
    Last edited by Kayaker72; 11-20-2014 at 12:50 PM.

  2. #32
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    I am comparing a 1.3 crop to a 1.6.
    All of the 7D vs 5D II comparisons I did came to the same conclusion you did with the 5D III. The crop benefit is so slight it didn't matter that much at all. 1.19x ? probably not even that, I have seen that number and like many analysis on the subject they mean little in real world situations.

    Now comparing the 7D to the 1D IV (1.3 vs 1.6) I never observed an advantage. In fact in all the tests I did the 7D never came close to the 1D IV. The last test I did was 2 years ago in Yellowstone I had willing sheep on the side of a mountain to compare the two. My brother was with me and I thought I would give it a go again. Not only was that .3 factor not there, the 1D IV shots were just better.

    I noticed a resolution bump with the jpg vs jpg images when comparing the 7D II. I didn't think much about it since it was jpg.
    Now with RAW I am seeing some of this. This weekend I plan on setting up a few real world resolution tests.

    Wouldn't it be something if the crop factor benefit is a real thing?

  3. #33
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    I knew I should have waited for the 7D III.....

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by shutterdown View Post
    I knew I should have waited for the 7D III.....
    Scheduled release 2020.
    Everyone will be using camera phones instead of DSLR's by then.

  5. #35
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    I took my 15 year old daughter deer hunting yesterday, it rained all morning and I got an opportunity to shoot feeding turkey hens.

    I came away with a few observations;
    1, No problem encountered with the weather sealing.
    2, I had read on other forums about the 7D II hunting for focus in live view or movie mode when used with a 500mm and a 1.4x extender. Indeed it does to the point I had to go manual. (It worked fine without the 1.4x.
    3, Turkey's have small heads, using the lens button selection that is supposed to make the center point smaller had no effect. I need to go back and read the manual to make sure this setting indeed is supposed to do that, however on the 1D IV it does.
    4, When using off center points to focus on the turkey's head the 7D II had a harder time getting critical focus than the 1D IV would have.

    i haven't had the chance to compare BIF, but it wouldn't matter for the 1D IV comparison as the 1D IV works great.
    I can say that from my perspective the 1D IV has the superior AF system. (Still debating on IQ)

    None of this is a bash on the 7D II, so far it's been a great camera.
    edit: I realized that the movie mode comparison may be misleading, the 7D II is the better video camera.
    Last edited by HDNitehawk; 11-23-2014 at 02:13 PM.

  6. #36
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    700mm ISO 1600 F/6.3 1/160

    Turkey in the Rain

    CQ2A1285-2 by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr

  7. #37
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Nice Turkey Rick...

    It looks as if Bryan has completed his review...

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72 View Post
    Nice Turkey Rick...

    It looks as if Bryan has completed his review...
    He has had it up for a few days, not much mention vs the 1D IV body. I didn't expect there to be since it is a discontinued body.

    The turkey picture is an excellent example why the FF bodies can still rule even in focal length limited situations.
    Birds move fast even when standing still, its head and eye are always moving, heart rate is fast and so is its respiratory system.
    All this causes motion blur.
    The pic was taken around 9:00 with overcast skies.
    In these situations I have found that to get critically sharp pics I need a shutter speed of 1/500 or greater, especially on the monopod.
    1D X I could have raised the ISO and gotten there. The after camera of the crop 1D X vs the crop 1.6x would have been much better.
    This example IMO rules over all the 2x the amount of pixels on target, 1.19x the resolution and 1.6x the resolution arguments.

  9. #39


    Sorry I'm new at this, in terms of posting on this site.

    I havent had enough time with flying birds to check the AF system when it works with a Canon 800mm f/5.6 lens in AI servo, but for this Bald Eagle @ 45 yards I got this today. The 7D2 is 'novel' still. Meaning, hearing that 10fps sound coming from a non 1D series camera is new, very different from 8fps.

  10. #40
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Nice shot Mike - and welcome the Community!

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