I was planning on waiting to start this thread until a few more reviews had trickled in. But that changed today when I was told my 150-600S is on the way. I am mostly intrigued by this lens as, if it is good, it would be a great complement to my core kit that includes the 5DIII, 24-70 II, and 70-200 II. I own other pieces that I plan to keep, but those are more of niche lenses, like the UWA/nightscape lens of the Rokinon 14 f/2.8. A lot of my other gear will be for sale very soon.
But I've been thinking about the "reach" niche and wanted to get everyone's thoughts. While I am assessing my kit, I think the more interesting question is general: What is the best way to get into the supertelephoto range in light of what has been recently released or announced?
Combinations I've been considering:
- Crop bodies with the "potential" 1.6x reach on the existing 100-400L (ok, this is specific to my kit, but others may already have the 400 f/5.6):
- 7DII ($1,799)
- 70D ($999)
- Combined with the 5DIII:
- 100-400L II ($2,199) plus 1.4 TC ($449)
- Tamron 150-600 ($1,069 B&H--but $1,289 on Amazon???)
- Sigma 150-600S ($1,999)
- Sigma 150-600C (announced not released)
The more I think about it, the ideal lens for me may be the 400 DO II, if it comes in as expected, plus TCs. But, that is much more expensive. For awhile I have said I eventually want a Big White lens. Given how I currently shoot, I would probably only use a Big White 2-3 times per year. So that has waned a bit for me and would prefer something that would travel better which could double or triple it's use.
I know we still need to see reviews on several of these new releases. And I will likely change my opinion based on those reviews. But, for a reasonable investment, what is the best way to get into the supertelephoto range?