Quote Originally Posted by cls View Post
Hi and congrats on a great lens!

Of course it may be personal preference, but in my opinion all three skating shots are more or less underexposed. Instead of using exposure compensation in a venue like this, my suggestion would be to lock the exposure manually - it shouldn't vary too much across the ice. Judging from the EXIF you provided for these shots I'd suggest f/2.8, 1/400 sec and ISO3200 or even brighter (e.g. 1/500-1/640 sec at ISO6400).

Have fun getting to know your new "best friend"!
Thanks. I completely agree on the exposure. I thought they looked better in Lightroom before exporting, I'll need to adjust them a little. The rinks vary in lighting, some are consistently lit others are spotty. Depending on the competition, some will use spotlights on the skaters. But mainly, I like exposure compensation since I don't trust myself yet on ISO or being able to change it quickly. I'll vary my speed based on the skater as well. 1/320 for newer, 1/500 for the older girls doing bigger jumps. As I progress, I'll have to start playing with manual settings and see how I do.

Thanks for the feedback.