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Thread: Maybe, just maybe??? 5D-SR

  1. #1
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    Maybe, just maybe??? 5D-SR

    I put in a rental order at Lens Rental and got a note today that they would be shipping it to arrive before I went on vacation. Now it also coincides with when I updated my shipping address too.

    Would be really cool to put the new body through the paces at Glacier National Park - gives "Gigapan" a whole new meaning
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  2. #2
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    Maybe they know something we don't on the arrival date?

    I haven't seen an anticipated delivery yet.

    Sounds like the right place to be taking it. Hopefully you get a few great opportunities to test it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Kombi's Avatar
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    Estimated Release Date:

    On my local stores site (Limited Quantity)

  4. #4
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    last weekend I spent a couple of hours getting all the measurements and offsets for my "pano eligible" lenses to eliminate the parallax as best I I think I can.

    My primary pano lenses are going to be the T/S 90, 24 & 50 Arts. I was able to get my 70-200 to barely get stable & tiny parallax at -5 on the clamp to front of lens foot. So we will see.
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  5. #5
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    So the trip to Glacier is sadly over. What a place. Would love to go back in the earlier spring or early winter. Last day the park is open is 9/21 ( full park that is).

    It will take me awhile to process the images, my image processing umph is really showing its age. I completely agree w/ Bryan's assessment. Handles identically to the 5dIII but with some nice added features.

    One thing I did notice was the difference in writing to the memory cards, speed matters. These are huge files and you will need the fastest you can get. Did notice a difference between the 600x CF and the 1000x CF when shooting the multi shot panos.

    More soon.

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  6. #6
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    Panos with that? How big are your files and if I may be so bold as to ask what you will be doing with them that you need the file size to be so big?
    I have to admit to backing off a little bit to really evaluate whether I would see any benefit over using my 5D3. I am quite comfortable with stitching and/or using resizing software. Any chance you still have the rental and could set up a couple of quick shots to test this? I expect that there must be one or two other people wondering if the leap in MP's is worth while for infrequent large prints and whether there would be enough actual benefit to justify spending the money? I fully expect that there will be more detail but if not cropping heavily will this detail come through in peoples' normal size prints when viewed from appropriate distances? These are the questions that I am asking myself and not finding any answers as of yet.

  7. #7
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    Have to send it back Wednesday. What test do you want
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  8. #8
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    In an ideal world it would be nice to see a couple of landscape shots that have elements from near foreground through to a distant background. Shot from a tripod with the same focal length and aperture for both cameras. Of course I realized after posting that there is a good chance you already have some direct comparisons like that already.
    It would be of great interest to me to see big prints from both cameras upsized using Genuine Fractals or equivalent software. I am frequently amazed at the details revealed from enlarging 18-22MP files, far superior to Adobe products, and want to be able to see prints at the same size from the same viewing distance in a side by side comparison. Pixel peeping on monitors is not the same and as my finished products are typically prints this is where I need to do the assesment.
    Of course if you have the files but not the software or printer I will most definitely be interested in doing the processing and printing so I can see it. Results would be sent back and crops from the large print size to allow the use of a smaller print by anyone wanting to print and compare.

  9. #9
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    Get the new version of DPP and I will send the raw files I did this afternoon. Shot 4 identical shots. f 6.3 and f11 with my Sigma 50 art on both bodies. my thought is to get the best the lens has to offer and the impact of diffraction limits, focused using live view on a tree 50 feet away with lots of details front and back and in the DOF.

    Did notice that the R had a 16x live view multiplier for focus where as the III stopped at 10x. It would have been interesting to do this on the 70-200 and swap bodies and double check the focus of 10x vs. 16x but didn't have time on my lunch break.

    As to the pano's I did the same scene w/ 24 art, 50 art, and the 70-200. It will take me a few days to fiddle with these images. I am intrigued by the idea of an uber resolution "wall " sized image and put on a wall in my office. May be gigantic overkill but I was there and had the memory cards.
    If you see me with a wrench, call 911

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