Bird ID
I have no clue what this guy is so here is the test;
What is the bird?
What is the rock he is sitting on?
I do know the rock.
Bird 3 (1 of 1) by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr
Location 3 (1 of 1) by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr
Bird ID
I have no clue what this guy is so here is the test;
What is the bird?
What is the rock he is sitting on?
I do know the rock.
Bird 3 (1 of 1) by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr
Location 3 (1 of 1) by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr
This one was at the same location.
It is greater than a 100 percent crop from the 5Ds R and the 70-200mm II.
Bird 4 (1 of 1) by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr
When you like to photograph birds you spend a lot of time waiting, but with little or no result. No matter how elusive the bird may be, site down to breakfast and something will just drop in on you.
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Nitmiluk Visitor Centre, Northern Territory, Australia
Canon 7D, 1/200, f8, ISO 1600.
Canon EOS 7D, EF-S 10-22, EF 24-105L, EF 50 f1.2L, EF 70-300L, 430EX.
"Criticism is something you can easily avoid, by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing." - Tara Moss
None, but I haven't really went hunting yet. The birds above just happened to be there when I was on vacation. So I have only a hand full of pictures with birds to far away so far.
It has been very noticeable only twice otherwise in 4000 pictures. One building skyscraper with highly defined vertical lines and the Waldo picture I posted in another thread.
This weekend I am taking it out with the 500mm. All my feeders are empty so my results may be limited to hunting only. I have high hopes for the 5Ds R and wildlife.
I like the color Bill. Very nice.
I updated my new computers with the free Windows 10 last week, then I bought LR6. If you have an older system it might be good to test your hummingbird files on the system you have now because I can tell you it does task your system. A new 5Ds might mean a new computer. So far just the jpg conversion takes about 20 seconds per file on the lap top, not a SSD drive but has a fast system.
My impression of the files so far is they are very workable but similar to the 7D II's. Also you can't use as much sharpening as older body files. Unlike the 7D II's I have noticed that I can recover more shadow and blown highlights.
I have LR5 and tried downloading the 5Ds R pix as DNGs....unsuccessfully......had the computer tied up quite awhile before the box came up stating the pix couldn't be downloaded.
Speaking of Windows 10 those 2 pop up boxes telling you to sign up for the free download are a PITA.
Thanks for the some insight HDNitehawk.......
Here's a close up of a male Ruby throated HB.....unfortunately this year's HB season is quickly coming to an end....most of the adult males have already started their migration south.
5DMK3, tightly cropped and overly enlarged (noise) on purpose.
Hatch year Ruby throated at fuschia
Last edited by Bill W; 08-29-2015 at 05:48 PM.
This great blue heron knows how to maintain privacy. It roosts at an inaccessible spot across a small lake, really too far for a great shot. Needs long lens (or a kayak!) For a gift I was able to rent the 300mm 2.8 Is ii, which does take the 2x teleconverter well, and was able to get these.
Great blue posing by Danny Watson, on Flickr
Great blue howling by Danny Watson, on Flickr
Last edited by Minerve101; 09-12-2015 at 03:10 PM. Reason: fixed broken link