I have yet to wander through much of the image. There are plenty of spots I have yet to really look and see what is going on. One quest I am on for kicks and giggles is how many waterfalls and then what would be the path to get to them. I don't consider this photo to be all that arty/high integrity vs just a proof of concept/practice.

I have learned tons about planning, focus (paying attention type), focus (lens type), technique & execution, software, geometry of projection and other stuff on the panoramas I did at Glacier. My first attempt at large"er" scale stuff.

As I mentioned earlier, my idea is to create some sort of wall sized photo that I can get close to and exam when I need to take a break from work/email/etc. Sort of a visual happy place away from the computer (& emails that make you want to throw things...)

I hope all enjoy it and give them a desire to try something similar.