Quote Originally Posted by Joel Eade View Post
I agree with your synopsis Brant except it always seemed odd to me that the premier 1D series body doesn't have all the features of the lower level series. For example the 1Dx does not have in camera HDR, silent shooting mode, WiFi or GPS.
It does have a silent shooting mode, or at least the menus provide said option, "S" drive mode. I'll fully acknowledge that it's not much quieter than normal, notably less quieter than the silent mode in the earlier 1D/1Ds bodies or the 5D3. Regardless, it IS there. I suspect it's just a "management fail" in trying to bring higher speeds on a FF mirror, and the tradeoffs given the piece count predicted couldn't be overcome as well as hoped. (Canon probably has to custom-design the motor to move the mirror, then somebody has to custom-build them. Money to make the silent mode hit expectations probably ran out early, or the budget for that line item got robbed to keep something else on schedule, etc.)