That is really impressive. Playing with the information, here is the
80D vs the 6D. At base ISO the 80D is holding its own with a FF sensor. I need to go back and read up on the different types of noise, but there seems to be improvement in more than one area.
there is this showing that pushing ISO 100 5 stops in post is almost as good as just taking the shot at ISO 3200. I would think this is test condition specific as different conditions affect different types of noise.
They only provide so much data, but here is comparing several crop sensors at
ISO 3200 and FF at ISO 6400. Not sure I see an improvement over the other current generation crop sensors. So the improvement may be at base ISO.
So, that would imply benefits of moving the A/D converter on chip and decreasing the noise floor, but other types of noise still take over with increasing ISO.