Nice shots, everyone. I think some of you need to frame your shots a little wider. As humans, we tend to focus in on the eyes & face.However, pets speak to us with their whole body--posture, wagging tail, etc.

This shot tells the story of a very old Rhodesian ridgeback boxer mix who had learned over the years that a Christmas tree means new toys.He had also learned that ripping into his presents early was bad, bad, bad-dog! So, herehe is checking hisplush toyfor the 100th time, knowing that he can't have it yet--thus the droopy tailat half-mast. He's depressed, buthopefulanticipation keeps his tail from goingall the way down.

This old friend is gone, but not forgotten, as ismy oldOlympus Camedia C-4040that that I used to take this shot. It got mehooked ondigital photography,lead me to my first DSLR(20D), and final retirement of my ancient AE-1.
