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Thread: Need help on upgrades

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2016

    Need help on upgrades

    I will be receiving around $600-700 from family for Christmas.I currently have,

    12-24 f4 Tokina
    17-135 stm kit lens Canon
    70-200 f4 IS Canon
    40 2.8 pancake Canon
    85 1.8 Canon
    Canon 70d
    Canon 430 flash.

    What would you upgrade or add?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Steilacoom, WA
    What do you shoot? Do you want to upgrade to FF in the future? What does your gear not do that you want it too? What are you happy with?

    Personally, if I had your gear list, I would get rid of the 18-135 and combine your $ to get the Canon 24-70 F4.
    Last edited by Manofmayo66; 12-23-2016 at 03:50 PM.
    Way too much gear and even more lighting equipment.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knight View Post
    I will be receiving around $600-700 from family for Christmas.I currently have,

    What would you upgrade or add?
    The key word is "you". I would sell the 70d and put that and the $600 towards the best full frame camera I could buy. (most likely used)

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    I will be upgrading to full frame probably next year. I shoot a lot of soccer,church events, landscape, and family.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Hi Knight...welcome to the forums.

    A bit of a complicated question. Shooting soccer, I bet you want the 1.6x reach of the 70-200 f/4 IS of a crop lens. But shooting indoor at church events and I am assuming family, I can see you benefitting from the higher ISO performance of FF.

    I am a big believer in a couple of things (besides over analysis if you follow the forum ):
    1. Shoot to need
    2. Focus on your core/most used gear

    So, my initial reaction would be that something like a EF 35 f/2 IS would likely help you indoors at a church, with family and landscapes. It would also be a nice lens once you move full frame. So I think you should consider it.

    However, you have some nice pieces, what do you feel is missing? What lacks from your kit? Where would you like to see improvement? In answering these questions and in thinking about your path forward, I would think about what you use the most, which is most important to you and make sure it is as good as it can be.

  6. #6
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    I would like to add better low light capacity on the 40mm and better IQ on the 17-135. I would also like to have all lens full frame ready for when I get a new camera next year.

  7. #7
    Hi Knight, first - congratulations!

    Do you use your 70D for video? Or do you pretty much concentrate on still photography?

    From what I see you have a good starting point and some strong lenses. You've got a pretty darned good camera for soccer photos (great AF, and a little of the "extra reach" afforded by crop sensor), but not so much for the other stuff. On the upside, 6D's are getting down to around $1k, so perhaps by the time you're ready to move that way they'll be quite affordable. The 6D's AF is fantastic as long as you just use the center point! I love mine for indoor use (I shoot real estate) so it's great as nothing is moving and will literally focus on a blank wall. I have a 70D as well, and it has been pretty much dedicated to video.

    As far as the upgrade/add, your EF-S 18-135 is a good lens if you're shooting video and using the on-board audio. However, if you're not doing video it's probably the weakest link I see, you're well covered elsewhere. It's worth considering slowly whittling down your crop lenses if you really are considering moving FF. How much use does your Tokina get? Personally, UWA's are my grocery getters, I couldn't survive without one. Other people hardly touch theirs. You might be well served by a prime 24 or 35 in the future.

    I know typically threads like this go off on the this lens or that lens topic, but what about other things that would improve your abilities? For instance, how are you fixed for support? Perhaps a nice tripod and ball head? Or perhaps a good CF monopod and tilt/swivel head. Filters like a CPR or ND? I could certainly recommend some very good products that are also inexpensive.

    I'd certainly consider upgrading your flash as well (I'm a lighting freak), but the 430EX is no slouch. There's also that trade-off point where a flash can be so large a person tends to not want to carry it which defeats the purpose. I'm glad you've invested in a 430EX, so many people use the pop-up, and are quite frankly shocked at the difference a decent flash makes once they actually give it a whirl.

    Additionally, if you do use your 70D for video, I can't say enough about investing in audio. So much can be had for so little these days, and it's a huge step up in quality. Something like the little Tascam D40 allows for multi channel recording, and adding a better mic takes you to pro-level stuff.

    So I guess what I'm saying is don't overlook some of the "accessories" that can actually help make as big a difference in your photography as a nice shiny new lens. Cases, backpacks, gimbal heads, L brackets, light modifiers - all unsung heroes! A well considered purchase or two might get you on the next level, still with some extra cash left over to put towards that FF.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for the good input. I am not interested in video at this time. I do have a good tripod and a monopod. You are right about the flash, I went from pop-up to a 270, now a 430 and each one was an improvement. I rarely use my tokina. My two lenses I feel need an upgrade are the 50mm and 17-135mm. Suggested to me were 35f2 and 24-70f4 both sound good.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Sorry not 50mm, it was a 40mm.

  10. #10
    The Pancake is kind of a niche lens that I never really "got". While it has good performance I'd rather do without the size/weight savings to amp it up a notch. A lot of people really love theirs however, and more power to them.

    So since you're covered on support, lighting etc., if I were choosing between a 35/2 and the 24-70/4 I'd personally go with the latter. The fast lens with IS is nice, but having 24 would give you back a bit of wide angle from losing the Tokina, and decent macro capabilities is icing on the cake. I guess it boils down to how fast do you need first? I can certainly say that once you're FF F4 on something like a 6D is suddenly a pretty darned fast lens. Both of these lenses would be great in your kit. But I'd think that the 24-70/4 + your 70-200/4 = killer combination.

    Selling your 18-135 and Tokina should easily get you over the hump to a purchase. My 2¢!

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