Hi Prayharder,

Reading this over, I am not really sure what traits you are looking for? I only have modest experience (1 week) with the 5DIV but shoot the 5DIII. Right now, new 5DIII's are $1,000 less expensive than 5DIVs. If I was a wedding/event photographer, the traits of the 5DIV that would appeal to me would be:
  • Better low light AF (EV -3 vs EV-2). That doesn't seem like much, but I could lock AF with the 5DIV in situations where the 5DIII would hunt.
  • Wi-Fi. I imagine there would be times when either remote shooting, or onsite downloading of images would be a huge benefit.
  • AWB. Several images, the white balance out of the 5DIV was just a bit better. One of those things that I would not have noticed until I did side by side comparisons.
  • Extra FPS (7 fps vs 6 fps). Slight, but a bit of an advantage.
  • Better video (DPAF, 4K, but reviews even have FHD as sharper in the 5DIV). Even if you are 90% stills, if someone suddenly wants video, this would be nice.

The big con against the 5DIV, aside from price, I repeatedly hear battery life is not as long. The week I had a 5DIV I did not consume a full battery, so I did not see it, but I hear that from friends with the 5DIV and online.

Good luck. All good cameras here.