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Thread: 5D MKIII, done it, anybody else??

  1. #91
    Senior Member
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    Riverside, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Johnston View Post
    Three shipments in I would hope I'd be in this one. I mean I ordered less than nine hours after it was announced!!!
    Three? I thought there had been only one so far.

    You ordered nine hours after the announcement and still don't have it? Yikes. I didn't order until the Tuesday after it was announced. (I moved that weekend and had no internet for a few days and so missed the announcement until then... of all the luck....)

    I might as well forget about the 5DIII and just hope to get in line early for the 5DIV.

  2. #92
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    I can't believe there are already used and refurbs listed on Amazon! One used one is listed at $4500!

  3. #93
    Senior Member Dave Johnston's Avatar
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    I just got off the phone with B&H. They mentioned sending out a shipment early next week, but remained quite tight lipped about how many cameras they are getting and how many they have shipped out already.

    I don't have the luxury of a local shop here.

    If I am not in the next shipment, I may have to cancel and go with someone else, or get the kit and sell the lens. Maybe at a loss. Maybe at a gain.

    Who knows. Just sick of waiting.

  4. #94
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Johnston View Post
    Who knows. Just sick of waiting.
    Patience is a virtue, Dave. Then again, that only matters if you're concerned with being "virtuous," I suppose... ;-)

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Johnston View Post
    If I am not in the next shipment, I may have to cancel and go with someone else, or get the kit and sell the lens. Maybe at a loss. Maybe at a gain.

    Who knows. Just sick of waiting.
    My thoughts exactly

  6. #96
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    A local photographer picked up their 5DmkIII last week (they love it), and it looks like we'll be picking up their old 7D. No more dogs with blurry heads and sharp tails, I hope.

  7. #97
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    Me, I'm holding off. After the Tether Tools contest I won I'm feeling lucky. (Foolish?) A local chain is hosting a giveaway. I think they just did one for the d800 as well. If my friends on Facebook use my link to enter it gives me more entries.

    I figure my odds are one in a few thousand. Here's hoping!
    Last edited by Rocco; 03-28-2012 at 03:21 AM.

  8. #98
    Senior Member
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    Good luck Rocco!

  9. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Johnston View Post

    Just sick of waiting.
    Physician, heal thyself!

    At least you won't be losing your patients.

  10. #100
    Senior Member Photog82's Avatar
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    My co-worker pre-ordered the body only, 4 days after BH started taking orders. On the release day, she found out that she wouldn't get hers until May however they had plenty of the kits instock. I told her that I want the 24-105 lens and that I'd give her $800 for it so she went aheard and ordered the kit; she's had it since Monday.

    If you can find someone who needs or wants that lens I would go that route.

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