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Thread: Post Your Best HDR Photo

  1. #91

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    I would appreciate it if those of you who posted the HDRs would describe your workflow to get the final image. Thanks.

  2. #92
    Junior Member
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    The most common problem you will encounter with HDR is noise. Controlling noise will produce a better HDR image.

    I use Photomatix, CS4 and Noiseware Pro.

    First, I use ACR to convert RAW to 16 bit TIFF's. Then I open them in CS4 then apply noiseware pro plug-in using default settings and save them again as TIFF. I then import all images in Photmatix and do my tone-mapping setting after which I save it as 16-bit TIFF. Open the file again in CS4 then apply another noiseware pro pass if needed then tweak the final image (levels, curves, USM).

  3. #93
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo


  4. #94
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    Superb composition.

  5. #95
    Junior Member
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    Wow, Lloyds of London has a very shiny, CG look to it, as though it's a screen shot from a computer game or straight out of Star Wars. And the first one looks like it's from a modern remake of Myst. I need to learn how to do HDR...

  6. #96

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    JLynch, Where is this?

  7. #97

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    varok, when you open your ACR, do you leave those settings all at "zero?" Any adjustments in ACR before you open it to the 16 bit TIFF?

    What settings do you change in Photomatix? Do you change any of the brightness settings, white/black point, etc.?

    I have Photomatix and it looks as if the many images posted are processed with the "details" tone mapping setting.



  8. #98
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    The only thing I change in ACR is the camera profile. Everything else are defaults.

    In Photomatix, I rarely change those settings. I mostly play around with strength, microcontrast, luminosity and light smoothing. I do all colors and levels adjustment in CS4. You have a lots more control if you use detail enhancer.

  9. #99
    Junior Member
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    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo




    I love HDR & here are some of my favourites. The images are from a small, very beautiful village in England.

    I used the Canon 40D and 17-85 kit lens. all these HDR's are 3 images merged\tonemapped in photomatix. You can find me @


  10. #100

    Re: Post Your Best HDR Photo

    varok, here are my defaults for the Mk 2: blacks, 5, brightness +50, contrast +25, sharpness 25, radius 1.0, detail 25, noise reduction 25.

    I want to make sure I'm doing things right.

    maapu, you've got my vote! Those were done in the details tone mapping, but they sure look stunning!


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