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Thread: Post your best bird shots!

  1. #1181
    Senior Member Jayson's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    Great shots everyone. Sorry to hear about being without Denise. I have two rebels just sitting around just in case something like that happens. Need to sell those for some other gear. Hopefully it will be worth it. Joel, that is a great shot of the woodpecker. I can never get close enough for even a semi decent shot. Was that taken at your setup or out in the wild?

  2. #1182
    Senior Member thekingb's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    I took a walk with my family on the frozen Milwaukee River today. There were 3 mallards having a swim in a small section of open water. Here's one of them!

    7D, EF 100-400, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/500s at 400mm, and then cropped in (I didn't want to fall in!)


  3. #1183
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayson
    <span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]Was that taken at your setup or out in the wild?<span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]

    <span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]Jayson,

    <span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]It was my back yard set up .... woodpeckers love suet .... get a suet cage, load it up and put something close by for them to perch on at just the right distance for your lens and wait for 'em

    <span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]If there are any in your area they will find it, other songbirds like it too but woodpeckers love it!


  4. #1184
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    This is another frame of the same bird ....


  5. #1185
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    Joel, by looking at your shots, it

  6. #1186
    Junior Member
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    Some awesome photos here, thought I'd add my contribution to this huge thread :P

    View Larger

    Taken with a 70-200mm f/4 @ 200mm on a 500D

  7. #1187
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by JJphoto

    I'd like to hear your opinion about it if you shoot more distant objects or moving objects with your 2X TC.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    I set up my feeders and hide with the 1.4X in mind so I haven't used the 2.0X very much. I bought them both at the same time thinking I would use them equally but it just hasn't worked out that way. Mostly because I have been successful with the 1.4 so I haven't adequately explored the possibilities with the 2.0X.

    I can tell you that the 2.0X doesn't yield as many sharp images as the 1.4X ( at least to my standard of sharpness) and this is especially true when it's wide open (ie f/5.6). In post processing you can tell the 2.0X image needs more work most of the time.

    If you have enough light to stop down to f/8 or f/11 and still maintain a high shutter speed it can produce some good images with the 300 2.8 lens.

    Most of the birds I shoot are moving but not flying, the songbirds seldom sit still around the feeders. They are constantly looking around and shifting position and they are at close range so a high shutter speed is mandatory. On these gray winter days I am using fill flash and still have to use ISO 1600.

    I think the 2.0X Version II can do well under the right conditions but the 1.4X is no doubt sharper. It appears the version III 1.4X is not much better than version II on the current lenses.

    From what I have seen the version III 2.0X is better than the version II on the current supertele. lenses but I will be waiting for the new version lenses to see howthey both perform.


  8. #1188
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Joel Eade

    From what I have seen the version III 2.0X is better than the version II on the current supertele. lenses but I will be waiting for the new version lenses to see howthey both perform.


    Your setiments about the 2x are identical to mine.

    A few days ago Bryan posted the results of the new III version convertors on 300mm F2.8L. To me they looked better than the initial lens used for the first test, the200mm. Even the 2x looked like it had potential.

    I would have ordered one and tried, but they are just up for preorder now.


  9. #1189
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Joel Eade
    From what I have seen the version III 2.0X is better than the version II on the current supertele. lenses but I will be waiting for the new version lenses to see howthey both perform.

    thanks Joel! and yes, that will be very interesting to see. this year is going to be very interesting and exciting because of those new lenses and TCs with all the possible combination with older lenses, TCs and different bodies......, can't wait!

  10. #1190
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post your best bird shots!

    two recent shots with the 500mm+1.4TCII

    hard to do BIF with it, so kind of miss the 300mm,it looks like I will not sell the 300mm or trade it for a 200mm2.0( but I have been thinking trade it for a 1D IV though)

    thanks for viewing!

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