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Thread: Post your best Macro shots

  1. #121

    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    Great shot Denise. Very nicely outlined drop.

    Your shots are always so colourful, your macros in particular, from looking through your flikr photos a while ago. Part would be that you do a great job of limiting to one or two bold colours. I know you shoot raw and I believe you use DPP, so I was wondering whether you set the saturation quite high or anything else in post that gives these colourful results? Or is it just well executed lighting and isolating the subject?


  2. #122
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    Thanks, Paul!

    I try to make the colors look as close to what the subject looks like to me in real life. If I do any adjustments in post, I usually have a program make adjustments automatically and 9 times out of 10, I change the adjustments & tone down the saturation because I don

  3. #123
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    Very nice! I agree that the colors are great. And the drop was captured perfectly. Did you time that one exactly right, or use a burst?

  4. #124
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    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    Thank you for the compliment, Jon!

    This was done in Manual setting. After about 20 shots, this one and a couple others were timed good but for most ...I was either too quick or too slow on the trigger.


  5. #125
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    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    Eam, Welcome to the Forums! I hope you don't mind a tip, try not to" center" the image perfectly (top to bottom and left to right). It usually looks better if you leave some room on the right side of the frame for the fish to swim into, since this fish is swimming towards the right. Keep posting.

    Very nice shot Denise, it looks like it could be used for an Ad.

    Burd, Welcome to the Forums.., very creative work with the fingerprint, the trigger and the bullet. Really nicely done!


  6. #126
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    Burd, Cool Shoot, Love the comp and lighting.

  7. #127
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    Very nice Denise.

  8. #128
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    Cool stuff everyone! I wish I could get better at Macro!

  9. #129
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    For Me, Failure once more. This morning I went to take a shower and found a little black spider in the tub---Well, now armed with my new 100L macro---I thought "what a great time to put this bad boy to good use". So I captured the spider in a little tupperwear dish and went ahead and took my shower. Afterwords, I began my full setup for this spider macro shot. The plan was to set up on my kitchen counter tops (Black Granite)--- tripod, tripple flash, 24 mm extension tube, orange background (posterboard), remote shutter release---spent 30 minutes getting the lighting just right, focus dead on, etc. Now its time to put my tiny model to work. Soooo, with remote in one hand, I grabbed the tupperwear dish and gently sprinkled the little guy out on the spot I had marked---All the time listening to the wife tell me "YOU BETTER NOT LET HIM LOOSE IN MY KITCHEN"----Well, all I can say is that he is now, LOOSE IN THE KITCHEN. The moment he hit the orange posterboard, he was gone, fastest little guy I have ever seen. Yes, I looked, She looked, for an hour, we looked, but no luck. Black spider on black countertops disappear with ease.

    So I thought to myself, well, no use in wasting this setup, Lets go find a bug--After another hour of looking under every rock in the yard, behind every appliance, tool or box in the garage and I even looked in the water meter housing out buy the sidewalk---No luck, no bugs anywhwere. Now I am told it

  10. #130
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: Post your best Macro shots

    ROFL!!! I admire your dedication to macro photography!! I can see you will be putting that new lens to lots of good use once the bugs start appearing in abundance!

    In the meantime, I might even consider paying your wife to make a video ofyou peeking under all the produce at Walmart and stealing their bugs or going up to the cashier and asking her to do a price check! [:P]


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