Originally Posted by ddt0725
Well thank you so much....I have no doubt you can get similar results...learning some basic stuff in CS5 will do it for you.
Here is what I use 99% of the time
Adjust exposure, recovery, blacks, clarity in ACR then open the picture as a 16 bit TIFF
Crop the image and clone out anything that needs to be fixed or you want to fix
Levels adjustment
Selective color adjustment (usually just the reds, whites, neutrals and blacks)
Sharpening (unsharp mask)
Create a duplicate layer and run noise reduction
Create a reveal all layer mask
Use the black paint brush to reveal the sharpened bird and perch
Flatten the image
Change the image mode to 8 bit
save a full size copy as a 8 bit tiff
reduce size to 800 pixels
one more pass with unsharp mask
save as JPEG (less than 200kb quality)
It looks like alot but once you do each step a few times you can optimize a good image in a few minutes
Let me know when you want the details of any of those steps