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Thread: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

  1. #11
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    Gah I have the perfect image to show from when I asked him how the Toki was performing on the 5d, but it isn't watermarked for some reason.As much as I'm sure he wouldn't mind some free advertising, I'll have to wait tillI talk to him next to get the pic for you.

  2. #12
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass
    Another lens that you might be interested since we are in the 3rd party realm is the Sigma 12-24mm, that thing issowide! And is about the same price range as a 17-40mm, which is a good lenstoo.

    I tried both lenses last week on my 5D2. Hihi that Sigma is really cool, although for the money I still bought a 50mm prime. It was almost like a fisheye. Really sharp, but distortion was horrible haha, but what would you expect [:P]

  3. #13
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN

    I also recommend the 17-40 mm F4 L for your wide angle. If you could swing the *little* extra for the 300 mm F4 L IS, you won't be disappointed. You will be using it for YEARS.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Thanks for everyone's suggestions so far.

    For wide angle, I currently have a 20-35 f3.5 which I think will be wide enough, but I'm not sure how it will perform color/contrast wise. I've been looking at the 17-40L, but how's the bokeh on this lens? I know it's a wide angle, but I won't always want a greater DOF on those type of shots. The 16-35L is out of my budget right now. I've also heard of the 20-35L 2.8 which is a much older lens. There is currently one available locally in my area for a decent price. Anyone try this lens?

    As for telephoto, I want something decent, but not huge, super heavy, and attention grabbing. I would like to be able to travel relatively light (i know this is hard). The 70-300 IS is appealing for it's size/range/price. Anyone try this lens on a 5dm2? Is it like rolling around on 4 donuts on a Ferrari?

  4. #14
    Senior Member btaylor's Avatar
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    Sorry I can't help you with the 20-35 f/3.5 but I have used the 17-40mm f/4L on a 5d MkII and I was very impressed. Definately an improvement over the 40D + 10-22mm f/3.5-4 combo that I was using. For half the price of the 16-35mm I think it's an excellent option. [

    Quote Originally Posted by Cozen

    As for telephoto, I want something decent, but not huge, super heavy, and attention grabbing. I would like to be able to travel relatively light (i know this is hard). The 70-300 IS is appealing for it's size/range/price. Anyone try this lens on a 5dm2? Is it like rolling around on 4 donuts on a Ferrari?
    <p style="CLEAR: both"]

    Kind of... but at the end of the day the photographer makes the photo and not the lens so if that's what you are limited to in your budget then it's not a bad piece of glass by any means. I realise you are looking at something over the 200mm range but the 70-200mm f/4 lenses perform really well (especially the IS version) and with the 21Mp on the 5D Mkii you should be fine to crop heavily to achieve the same results as the 70-300mm (more than likely with better IQ). The 70-200mm f/4's are reasonably inconspicuous apart from the colour and they're not huge.

    Hope this helps.

    Cheers, Ben.
    Canon 5D Mark III | Canon 5D Mark II | Samyang 14mm f/2.8 | Canon 35mm f/1.4L USM | Sigma 85mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM |Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II |Canon 2 x Teleconverter III | Canon 580 EX II Speedlite | Really Right Stuff TVC 34L | Really Right Stuff BH55 LR | Gorillapod Focus | Really Right Stuff BH 30

  5. #15
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    yeah I've definitely considered the 70-200 f4 IS, but coming from crop bodies, I feel the 200mm isn't long enough for FF. Keep in mind, I will have the 135L for those "money shots"

  6. #16
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    Having tried a borrowed 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS lens, I agree with Bryan that the softest/worst part of that lens' range is the 200-300mm zone. So if you're seeking good IQ and longer than 200mm, the 70-300mm lens is not ideal. That lens also suffers from some 'convenience' issues (rotating front element, no full-time manual focusing). I think you'll get better IQ in a cropped image from the 70-200mm f/4L @ 200mm than in an uncropped image from the 70-300mm @ 300mm.

    If you still want longer than 200mm and you want good IQ, the 300mm f/4L IS is an excellent prime in the same price range as the 70-200 f/4L IS, or for more versatility (and more $), there's the 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS. We're clearly getting out of the 'inexpensive' range, though.

    You might also consider picking the end of the overall range which you'd like to concentrate on first (i.e. just wide or just long), and getting the best quality lens in that range that you can. Sounds like you may have the wide end covered ok for now with the 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5, but if your longest lens is the 135mm f/2L (a great lens!) you might want to look at the 70-200/4IS, 300/4IS or 100-400.

  7. #17
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    Alright Cozen I don't know if this is going to be of any help anymore, but I'll do it anyways.

    I traded my 50D for a 5D2 knowing that I'd loose the long tele end, and I agree with others like Ben that with the 21mp you could crop a lot from a picture and still achieve max quality. For the long end I can't really recommend a good valued lens above 200mm. Perhaps you could look at 3rd party lenses, but I don't have any experience with them.

    I did try a few wide angles last week on my 5D2. I tried the 17-40L and the sigma 12-24 and here are some perspective shots if you'd be interested. Note that the 40mm and 17mm shot are with the 17-40 and the 24mm and 12mm shot are from the 12-24 and that I wasn't standing at exact the same spot during these photos due to switching lenses.





    Oh and a shot of 12mm perspective of my brother just to show you guys the effect. I guess the 17-40 will have distortion at 17mm as well, but unfortunately I didn't test it the same way. 12mm gives a pretty cool view and you'd be amazed how close you are to your subject. For my brother it was hard to understand that he was entirely in the frame while I was like standing a meter away or so.

    Here it is.

    Anyway good luck with picking a lens or 2 []


  8. #18
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?


    Thanks for your sample pics. That Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 looks pretty cool! What was your overall opinion of it?

  9. #19
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    Jan, is that shot of your brother a crop or did you shoot vertical? I'm hoping it's the latter and that's normal stretching, otherwise that lens is buggered.

  10. #20
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    Re: inexpensive wide angle and telephoto for 5dm2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh
    This lens is awesome if you really enjoy photoshopping out CA.

    That maybe betrue, but CA is really easy to fix in DPP. You just drag the sliders about until most if not all the CA is gone, plus DPP has distortion and vigenette removal too which is to easy to use. Just drag it all the way to the right.

    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Get the latest version of DPP. It will automatically remove and distortion or CA introduced by many Canon lenses, their characteristics are known and accounted for. No need for sliders or the like.

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