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I know I've used this example before, but in the 4.5 years I've had my current my Mac laptop (also bought with the top of the line processor of the day), I've also been using a Windows laptop provided by my employer. In fact, I am on mysixthwork-provided laptop in the same 4.5 years I've had my current Mac laptop - of the previous 5 Windows machines (a Compaq, 3 HP's, and 2 Lenovos), one was end-of-lifed and the other fourjust up-and-died (hard drives, CPUs, etc.). Of those 6, only the current Lenovo has a faster processor than my Mac (and despite that, my Mac performs equivalent tasks in equivalent software faster than the PC).
Even with corporate volume discounts, my employer spent a whole lot more money on PC laptops for me than I did on my Mac, and that's just counting the product dollars, not the productivity dollars.