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Thread: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    Ok, so... just one idea to get your wheels spinning... (I'm basing this off your handle here). If I think of more, or if you want to contact me and give me more info to work with, I'll put more ideas up.

    Name: A Lone Sierra Studio

    "Tag" (under name & logo): Moments captured in time.

    For a logo maybe an outline of a wolves head with the sierra mountains in the back? (or if you could actually find a photo of a wolf that would accomplish the same thing...)

    You'd have the logo on the top left, the name to it's right in larger print, and the tag below it all in a single line in smaller print.

    Starts with a single "A". Has your name in it. Implies a larger company (thereby giving perceived credability). The logo relates back to the business name.

  2. #12
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    Well I have the same problem so I needed to squeeze in part of my name. I dont have a business mind you, but I did need a URL for my photography blog while studying photography.

    Here in the country I live, my name (Madison) is very uncommon, and even more uncommon for a guy (it's usually girls).

    My last name is a nightmare (Gerritsen) (wow that is not very good sounding).

    I came up with the idea: madebymadison. as a brand name. it works, I get loads of good reactions.

    What if you decide to do something similar? I personally don't think your name has a bad flow. It sounds unique, dependable, and has a nice ring to it. How about Osterman Productions. Shot by Osterman. Osterman Studios. Osterman the posterman (just kidding). Osterman visual. It's not your name I have a problem with but finding something that adds a communications layer that sets you apart and pushes you in the field of image production and photography. Osterman: I shoot everything. Funny, but I would definitely remember it.

    When I finish I am going to set up a studio and just name it after myself. Hopefully people wont think I am a girl.

  3. #13
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    That's not a bad idea Corey. I'm not much of a studio though. Everything I will do, will be wherever they want. Maybe I could play off of that?

    I'll basically be a custom photographer. I'll take pictures of your favorite bug in your back yard. I really don't care what it is. Maybe I have something there?

  4. #14
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    Ah! Freelance photography essentially. Hmmm. Well if you lived in my neck of the woods I'd say "Around the Sound Photography" and come up with a logo of Mt Raineer or an outline/map of the Puget Sound... but that only works because I can find an "A" word that rhymes with 'sound'.

  5. #15
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Madison

    Well I have the same problem so I needed to squeeze in part of my name. I dont have a business mind you, but I did need a URL for my photography blog while studying photography.

    Here in the country I live, my name (Madison) is very uncommon, and even more uncommon for a guy (it's usually girls).

    My last name is a nightmare (Gerritsen) (wow that is not very good sounding).

    I came up with the idea: madebymadison. as a brand name. it works, I get loads of good reactions.

    What if you decide to do something similar? I personally don't think your name has a bad flow. It sounds unique, dependable, and has a nice ring to it. How about Osterman Productions. Shot by Osterman. Osterman Studios. Osterman the posterman (just kidding). Osterman visual. It's not your name I have a problem with but finding something that adds a communications layer that sets you apart and pushes you in the field of image production and photography. Osterman: I shoot everything. Funny, but I would definitely remember it.

    When I finish I am going to set up a studio and just name it after myself. Hopefully people wont think I am a girl.

    LOL The Posterman. haha That one got me!

    Where are you from? With your name, and liking the flow of my name, it must be Sweden, or Germany. haha

    Hmm....Those are good thoughts, though. I'm one of very very few people with that last name in the northeast USA. There wouldn't be any others.

  6. #16
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    In regards to Madison: "Mad Photography"

    (in American-English "Mad" can mean "crazy" or simply imply that you really like something. Think: The TV show "Mad about you"). []

  7. #17
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cory

    Ah! Freelance photography essentially. Hmmm. Well if you lived in my neck of the woods I'd say "Around the Sound Photography" and come up with a logo of Mt Raineer or an outline/map of the Puget Sound... but that only works because I can find an "A" word that rhymes with 'sound'.


    Yeah basically. I'll be a Jack of all trades. Maybe John of all trades, since that's the nickname.

    I like Around the Sound! No sounds around here. A bunch of rivers, lakes, and lobsters. Some moose as well.

    I would like to find something to convey freezing that one moment you'll never get back. If not a name, at least a tag line.

  8. #18
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    Jack of all frames??

    Nah...trying to hard.

  9. #19
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    Quote Originally Posted by LoneSierra
    I'm one of very very few people with that last name in the northeast USA. There wouldn't be any others.

    That makes it unique. And that counts. It also makes it YOU. That also counts. Also: it's pronouncable. (If English people would pronounce my name they'd throw up because we use sounds not familiar in the English language. I am Dutch by the way, so I live in The Netherlands).

    Your name is your name. It doesn't have to have a good flow. If Vogue wants to shoot a cover they call Patrick. That would be Patrick Demarchelier. Very few Americans would pronounce or spell that correctly. Yet the man is hired by the entire industry and does one heck of a job. His name is also unique.

    I'd still say: build a name for yourself and make your name a brand so to speak. Just know what to put in front or behind it to narrow things down. I would not recommen adding things like 'studio' because potential clients could assume you have one and book you for something you cannot produce for them.

    I like Osterman. It really does sound unique, easy to pronounce and it has a dependable business ring to it. Seriously.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Re: Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

    How about 'drawing with light'

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