I was able to try out the new 6D at my local camera shop for a few minutes this evening. The only one they had was new in box and I felt a bit uncomfortable playing around too much with a camera someone will buy shortly so I didn't use it very long, but came away impressed.
The build quality seemed quite good. The body was sturdy and the buttons felt fine. Autofocus seemed snappy at least in the camera shop context. The full frame viewfinder speaks for itself. I tried a shot at ISO 12800 and it looked fine on the LCD. The body size and weight seemed roughly equivalent to the 60D I'm using today.
All in all between Bryan's ISO shots, resolution shots, and my hands on trial this evening I think I'm sold on the 60D. Given the precarious nature of the US economy at the moment I don't want to part with my cash just yet, but do expect to buy it in due time.