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Thread: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    The noise the IS makes is slightlydifferent with each IS lens. I have the 300 F4 IS and there's a faint clunk and buzz; the 24-105 F4 IS has a buzz; and the 70-200 F4 IS has a slightly louder buzz. The IS activates when ever you touch the shutter button and it stays on for several seconds. You can notice the IS work by looking through the view finder, touching the shutter button, and it does take the shake away from the image in the viewfinder. You should take some pictures with the IS activated and check the results. I'm sure everything will be fine. Once you get use to how it works, how it sounds, you won't ever notice it again.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Thanks guys, you are so great and responsive. This is my first L lens and I am so new to this, I want it to be a good lens and use it for a while. As you recommend, I will take it to the store and compare with one on their display, maybe it will make me more comfortable. In the mean time, I did not notice any focusing issues, so it started to make me feel better.

    That buzz is weird though. Maybe I just will need to get used to it.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    I nearly asked the same question but researched it on the net first.
    The 70-200 f4 IS is noisier than other canon IS lenses. I never
    realised that any of my other IS lenses made any noise until I got them
    all out in a quiet room and checked. You can hear the giros on all of
    them but the 70-200 is the only one that actually attracts your
    attention. Dont worry - Its OK, Just enjoy the 4 stop advantage that this IS lens delivers. I have had mine at the
    Rallycross track for the past 2 weeks and got some awsome sharp images
    panning in mode 2

    edit:: Look like the forum has cropped these images. I didnt frame them like this!![]



  4. #14
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Great images!

    Thanks for assurance. I did the same, went on every forum, even called Canon directly and now I know it it perfect. I know what happened, and someone pointed that out....i was so fascinated by the lens i was not paying attention to the noise, plus I was outside in the park and the noises were killing the humming of the lens. In addition, like a dork, I had a beeping noise for AF turned on. So I was hearing that and not anything else. Once I turned it off, I was hearing ALL kinds of things I have never heard before. As you can tell, i am a newbie [:$]

    Thanks for your response, you guys rock!

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