Hi, I first discovered The Digital Picture when I was considering buying the T1i and googled "Canon T1i review". This was late 2009. Since some time after I purchased the camera (around spring 2010) I've been a member of the forum. I've posted some photos, participated in some discussions and I've also made some "+1 posts". Still I haven't been very active on the forum. The main reason for this is the language obstacle - I'm Swedish, and even if I'm usually able to make myself understood in English it's still my second language. For me it requires a lot more effort to write something in English than in Swedish (I suppose native English speakers can get a hint of it if you consider posting something in French, Spanish or whatever your second language is). However I'm quite fond of this forum and I hope it will remain online with its positive attitude for many more years. I'll keep making my sporadic posts and hope my presence (and my probably somewhat weird English) is OK with all (or most).
BTW - I know of at least three photography interested Swedish friends that I introduced to TDP. They regularly read what's written here (news section as well as forum), but they're not comfortable enough with written English to post something themselves. I suppose the world is crowded with people like them - people that read much of what we all write but hesitate to say something themselves. That alone justifies the existence of this forum, and I'd love to see it rising in popularity/posting frequency. I'll try my best to contribute during 2013, but I honestly count on you Americans/Englishmen/Australians etc to continue making this forum worthwhile. Enough said - now I should go back to working on my contribution to "post your best of 2012".
Finally - to any American who may be interested in hockey - congrats to the win in the Junior World Championship! The Swedish guys were actually quite close to a draw in the third period, but the US victory was quite fair and undisputable. Maybe next year...