Hi all,

I've been combing through a pile of reviews and forums AND I've gone to the local stores to try out my next lens purchase but still can't seem to decide on one ...

I've currently got a Canon XSi with the EFS 18-55 IS kit lens, a Sigma 30mm EX 1.4 prime and a Canon EF 50mm 1.4 USM.

I have a one year old at home and he and my wife are primarily the subjects of all my photography. The primes have been excellent in low light situations and have been great for "stopping action" of my little one as he moves quite fast and he does not like to pose.

Over the summer the family has been on a couple of trips. Specifically kids events such as local fairs and theme parks. I've found my 18-55 a bit short and I am unable to get a shot of my kid on the rides with his mom. I was also unable to use the 18-55 at his first birthday party as it was indoors and to avoid using flash I ended up mounting the 30mm 1.4. With the 30mm I was able to get most of the group shots but none of the candid close ups.

I have thought about the following lenses:

1) EFS 17-55 2.8 IS - still short ....just a way better version of my kit lens

2) EF 24-70 2.8L - good length but a bit heavy

3) EF 24-105 4L - great length but maybe too slow for my kid when indoors

4) EFS 15-85 3.5-5.6 IS - havent been able to try it since its not in stock yet and maybe too slow

5) LEARN TO USE A FLASH with option 3 and 4 =) ... I currently have an old 380EX Speedlite that doesnt rotate %&^@#

My budget is about $1300 CDN so the most I can afford is the 24-70 ....

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.