HI this summer i am doing a hike in New Mexico that is 60 miles enduring all kinds of weather and the scenery is amazing from what i have heard and seen. It is an eleven man crew by urselves for two weeks hiking from 60-70 miles. I have heard many people bring Point and shoots on these and keeping them somwhat intact and having good pictures.However i am an advanced amateur photog and would like to know how i could keep my camera clean and protected from the elelments.

Note: i want to pack light due to my already 50 pound pack of clothes food gear etc.

Heres what i have :

rebel XT

kit lens

gitzo tripod

remote release

crappy lightweight tripod

Tamron 70-300

more but those are basics
  • I want to know if anyone has suggestions as to the idea of bringing a SMALL pelican case to waterproof my XT sounds and buying a used XT to bring instead from ebay instead of mine just in case of damage? Is this recommended or should i purchase a point and shoot? Other suggestions?